Pigmentation Study

Study Number: C24-D128

Study Location: 

Dallas Research Center: 1801 N. Glenville Dr., Suite 250 Richardson, Texas 75081
Compensation: up to $450





Skin Type:

I-VI (light to dark skin tones)

Study Description:

The purpose of this study is to see how effective facial lotion product is when used over the course of 12 weeks.

Study Requirements:

  • Must have at least 2 dark spots (at least 3mm in size). 
  • Cannot have any significant medical conditions that are not controlled by diet or medication. If you are taking more than 5 medications, you may not be able to participate. 
  • Cannot currently be participating in another study at SGS, another research facility or doctor’s office. 
  • Cannot have participated on a study involving the face and neck at SGS, another research facility or doctor’s office within the past 2 weeks. 

Complete the prescreening survey below

All information you provide will be kept confidential, you may be contacted by telephone or text, and your information may be added to a database.

Screening Survey

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