Facial Treatment
Study Number: C23-D143
Study Location:
Dallas Research Center: 1801 N. Glenville Dr., Suite 250 Richardson, Texas 75081
Compensation: Up to $200
Skin Type:
I-VI (Light to dark skin tones)
Study Description:
The purpose of this study is to see how effective a facial treatment product is when used over the course of 4 weeks.
Study Requirements:
- Must have roughness on the cheeks.
- Must have appearance of pores, uneven skin tones, and dullness on the face.
- Cannot have been diagnosed with known allergies to skin care products.
- Cannot be routinely using a topical over-the-counter (OTC) acne product (eg, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, alpha hydroxyl, beta hydroxyl and/or poly-hydroxy products or medicated cleansers, wipes, masks, scrubs, gels and creams) within 30 days of study entry.
- Cannot be a user or have used any systemic medication considered to affect the course of acne, specifically, but not exclusively, antibiotics or steroids, within 3 months prior to entry into the study.
- Cannot have any significant medical conditions that are not controlled by diet or medication. If you are taking more than 5 medications, you may not be able to participate.
- Cannot currently be participating in another study at SGS, another research facility or doctor’s office.
- Cannot have participated on a study involving the face at SGS, another research facility or doctor’s office within the past 2 weeks.
This study has completed enrollment! Please check out our other studies.
Visit 1 Instructions
- Avoid application of any topical moisturizing or treatment products to the face for at least 3 days prior to visit 1.
- Bring with a Valid ID or passport.
- Your first visit could take up to 2.5 hours.
- If you are not able to make your appointment, please contact us ASAP by calling us at 833-530-7596.