AFib Data Collection

Study Number: C24-D013

Study Location: 

Dallas Research Center: 1801 N. Glenville Dr., Suite 250 Richardson, Texas 75081
Compensation: Up to $700


Males and Females



Skin Type:

I-VI (Light to dark skin tones)

Study Description:

The purpose of this study is to collect data from individuals with AFib by wearing a currently marketed smart watch.

Study Requirements:

  • Must have a history of persistent and/or paroxysmal AFib.
  • Must be either pre-ablation/surgery OR have undergone AFib ablation or procedure to restore the heart rhythm in the past 90 days.
  • Cannot have a implantable device, such as a pacemaker, or implantable cardioverter-defibrillator, ventricular assist device or artificial heart.
  • Cannot have any known allergies to adhesives or dry skin that is irritated by adhesives.
  • Cannot have any allergies or sensitivities to watch or watch band materials, such as stainless steel, aluminum, titanium, and ceramics.
  • Cannot currently be participating in another clinical trial that involves an investigational drug or device.

Visit 1 Instructions

  • Bring a valid ID or passport.
  • Bring your documentation of your Afib diagnosis.
  • Your first visit could take up to 2.5-3 hours.
  • If you are not able to make your appointment, please contact us ASAP by calling us at 833-530-7596.

Complete the prescreening survey below

All information you provide will be kept confidential, you may be contacted by telephone or text, and your information may be added to a database.

Screening Survey

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