Anti-aging studies test the effectiveness of anti-aging products such as creams, lotions, masks, facial peels and facial devices.
Typical eligibility requirements are individuals between 35-69 years of age with different levels of aging conditions on the face (i.e. wrinkles, sagging, texture, eye puffiness, etc.). These studies last between 8-12 weeks with multiple visits. During the study, you will be given a product to use at home or one will be applied in the clinic. When you come for your visits, we will assess your skin for changes through visual evaluations by one of our expert graders, you may have your picture taken, measurements may be taken with one of our instruments that touches the surface of your skin and you will answer a questionnaire. Compensation varies for these studies and you can see the compensation for each study by visiting the study application page.
Acne Studies
Acne studies evaluate the effectiveness of topical acne treatments on individuals 12-40 years of age.
Each acne study requires a different type of acne lesions. Please see examples of the different types of acne lesions here. These studies typically last 12 weeks long with multiple visits. During the study, you will be given a product to use at home. When you come for your visits, we will assess your skin for changes through visual evaluations by one of our expert graders, you may have your picture taken, measurements may be taken with one of our instruments that touches the surface of your skin and you will answer a questionnaire. Compensation varies for these studies and you can see the compensation for each study by visiting the study application page.
Children and Teen Studies
We conduct studies for infant and child skin care products such as lotions, cleansers, diaper rash creams, shampoos, acne treatments and eczema treatments.
Children studies range from 6 months to 17 years of age and require skin conditions that vary from study to study. These studies last between 4-12 weeks with multiple visits. A parent/legal guardian must come with the minor and show proof of guardianship at the first visit. During the study, the parent or study participant will be given a product to use at home. When the participant comes for their visits, we will assess their skin for changes through visual evaluations by one of our expert graders or a board-certified doctor, they may have their picture taken, measurements may be taken with one of our instruments that touches the surface of the skin and the parent or participant will answer a questionnaire. Compensation varies for these studies and you can see the compensation for each study by visiting the study application page.
Cosmetic Studies
Cosmetic studies evaluate the effectiveness of cosmetics such as foundation, mascara, makeup removers, and lipsticks.
These studies usually require females 18-65 years of age who normally wear a certain type of cosmetic and occasionally have a certain concern (dryness, oiliness, short/sparse lashes, etc.). These studies typically last up to 4 weeks with a 2-3 visits. Compensation varies for these studies and you can see the compensation for each study by visiting the study application page.
Moisturizer Studies
These types of studies evaluate how well a lotion or cleanser moisturizes the skin over a certain period of time.
Eligibility requirements include males and females ages 18-65 years of age with dryness on the lower legs. Moisturizer studies are typically very short and last only 8 to 24 hours. During the study, participants will have products applied to their lower outer legs and remain in the clinic for at least 8 hours to have moisturization measurements taken at different times during the 8 hours. Compensation varies for these studies and you can see the compensation for each study by visiting the study application page.
Sunscreen studies evaluate how well products protect the skin from simulated sunlight and determine the SPF and UVA factor of products.
Eligibility requirements include males and females ages 18-70 with even skin tones and no scars, sunburn, suntan or too many moles/freckles on the back and Fitzpatrick skin types I-IV. The Fitzpatrick skin type varies between studies. Sunscreen studies typically last 4 days with visits at Baseline, Days 2, 3 and 4. Compensation varies for these studies and you can see the compensation for each study by visiting the study application page.